Thursday, December 29, 2011

After Christmas CASH Giveaway Win $180.00

I am so glad that Christmas is over but so sad to be so broke! Debbie Does Coupons and 23 fantastic bloggers got together and decided to offer up some cash to refill your pockets after Christmas. There will be (2) winners of this giveaway. (1) will win $180 cash, payable by Paypal and (1) will win $60 cash payable by Paypal.

You must be 18 years old or older to enter and have a valid Paypal account. Winners will be chosen within 48 hours of the end of this giveaway and contacted via email. Winners will have 48 hours to respond with their Paypal email address or a new winner will be picked if there is no response.

Enter to win by filling out the rafflecopter below. The more entries you do, the more chances you have to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out the Important Announcements section of my blog for the latest contest announcements.
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angela dupree said...

Happy New Year

Loretta Hurt said...

Thanks for the giveaway....

cloud10277 said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Errin Sheets said...

Thank you so much for the giveaways, especially the cash after Christmas, we're all pretty broke right now! Good timing!

lucky1fader said...

Love Giveaways. Hope I am lucky today!

MaryLou said...

Thank you!

Abba said...

Nothing like being blessed with some money. Thank for having the giveaway :-D

robyn p. said...

I hope I win!

Wendy said...

This would be so awesome! Would help with after Christmas finances in a huge way. :) Thanks for the opportunity!
welindsey at gmail dot com

aperradise said...

Thanks for the chance, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. Have a great new year!

debpaint16 said...

Thanks for a wonderful Giveaway!! Happy New Year!!

Gee Nie said...

joining! :)

Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino

Gee Nie said...

I cant like your page. :( i liked all the pages except your page. :(

Anita Yancey said...

Thanks for having this giveaway. Happy New Year!


Tawnya said...

Thank you so much! I hope I win! Happy New Year!

Literary Winner said...

Awesome giveaway, thanks so much for the chance!

(Is it sad that I already liked all but one of the FB pages? ;) )

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Kristie Betts said...

Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year

Kristie Betts

Sherry Fowler said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway.

frost.terri at gmail dot com