Friday, November 21, 2008

I love to tan

I love to go to the Tanning Bed! Yes I know it's not good for me, yes I know that sun causes cancer, but I truly love how tanning makes me feel. When I go in there I can completely relax for that 20 minutes. I usually fall asleep and wake up completely refreshed. The heat is great for my arthritis and it feels like my joints are melting after about 5 minutes in the bed. When I get out, I am no longer as stiff when I walk. My feet don't hurt as much, my back doesn't hurt as much, and I just feel so much more alive. I go to a salon here in Orange City, where they have some of the best Commercial Tanning Beds that money can buy. On average, I would say I go about 3 times a week but during the cold spells I go 4-5 times a week. I have already been 4 times this week and I will probably go again tonight. Other than the tan, you would never really know that I go to a tanning salon because my skin does not look leathery in any way. I use moisturizer every day and use an anti aging tanning lotion in the bed. I'm lucky because I have a naturally oily skin, so I think that has helped me avoid some of the skin problems associated with tanning. My moms aunt had really bad arthritis as well and had a home tanning bed that she used until she was in her 80's.

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Petula said...

I heard that tanning isn't good for you, but I understand what you mean about it making your joints feel good. Have you tried an electric blanket?

Sandi said...

ahhhh I miss it so much. I never did do that tanning bed thing all that often until around 2004. Then I was a regular. I am really pale and it's the only way I can tan. But in 2007 I got cancer...not sun or tanning related but now I am at a higher risk for other cancers so I gave it up. *SNIFFLE* I love the way tanning feels. The heat, the relaxing, a little music in the background. It was my alone time. I don't know if anything will ever be able to replace it!