Thursday, November 20, 2008

Have you heard about Challenge Day?

Challenge Day was featured on Oprah in 2006 and is used in high schools across the country to promote a school community where every child can feel safe, loved and celebrated. This past week, I hosted the speakers for the Challenge Day that was held at one of our local high schools. She came down to thank me for the room and give me a hug and she was telling me a little about what it is that they do. I thought it was great that they can go into the schools and within a matter of hours the students feel comfortable enough to open up and talk about a variety of things from gang violence to bullying and stereotyping. She went on to tell me that one girl made amends with her previous BFF. Apparently the relationship went wrong when kids were teasing the friend and she did nothing to prevent it and even went along with it. In the Challenge Day the girl stood up and apologized in front of everyone for allowing that to happen. It was very touching. Do you have a Challenge Day in your school?

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