Monday, November 24, 2008

Company Formations

It's almost that time again where we have to do our taxes and figure out what is owed to the government or what they might owe us. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous but I did find out that as of December 1st I will have already paid $3200.00 in interest on my house. Isn't that amazing? I'm hoping that the interest deduction will allow me to get a fairly large return. In the US, companies have to create either a Corporation, LLC, or they have to register as a Sole Proprietor. I file as a Sole Proprietor and report my income that way. In the UK, apparently you can have Single Company Formations and LTD Company Formations. It's so important to separate your business from your personal accounts. UK Company Formations can be formed in less than 4 hours by contacting Highstone Formations. Highstone Formations can do everything from registering your company to assigning officers all by completing the information online. If you are a Professional who needs to register multiple companies the process couldn't be much simpler.

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