There is so much to do before I leave for Indiana on Wednesday. Not only do I have to finish washing clothes and packing but I have to try to get a few more things done for my blog as well as clean my house. My Chief Engineer is coming over to feed my cat while I'm gone so my house has to be clean. There are a few more things that I need to do after that but I've completely lost them for now. If that's not enough, I have to try to concentrate on losing 3 more pounds by Friday! Ooooh! The pressure!
Ok, I'm getting my behind in gear...Cleaning has to count for exercise right?!?!

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Technically exercise is calorie burning so if you do enough it might take off the 3 lbs. Just have a funa nd a safe trip, and tell us all about it. We've been to Indiana to see Amish country but always go at the wrong time of the year.
We live in WI.
Cleaning definitely counts as exercise! Especially when you're racing the clock as it sounds like you are.
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