I am running a contest from now(July 17) until midnight on July 31st.
Here is what you can win:
Grandprize includes all of the following:
500 Entrecard Credits
Italian Charm Bracelet With 5 Charms
125x125 button on my blog for one month
$50.00 Target Gift Card
The top three in the points standing will receive 300 Entrecard Credits each, but the Grandprize will be awarded to one person by random drawing.
The rules are simple:
Comments on a post=1pt(you can earn points for each real comment that you leave, not just good or cool) Can be on any post from July 17th to July 31st.
Earn Extra Points by doing any of the following:
Stumble This=1pt
Digg This=2pts
Add to Faves on Technorati=1pt
RSS Subscribe=2pt
Blog about this contest=5pts
Just think by subscribing and leaving one comment, you would have 3 chances to win. :) Please leave a comment on this post for each action you take, ie Stumble, blog, Digg as those will all add up. For each comment or additional points that you earn, your name and website will be put on a slip of paper and dropped into a bag for the Grand Prize Drawing. The Grand Prize drawing will be held on August 1st and I will have one of my front desk clerks draw it. Any questions, please email me at denashops@yahoo.com.
Good Luck!

If you like this post then please consider subscribing to my full RSS feed.

I Stumbled you. I guess I'm leaving a comment too so that's two for me!
Stumbled & commented :)
Wondering if this competition is open to all countries or just the USA?
Definitely enter me! You are entered in my competition, today is the last day so good luck!
Hi! I'd love to enter. You know, I'm working on losing weight too, it's soooo hard!!! I've done it twice before, but every time I got pregnant I'd gain weight back and take forever to lose it! It's hard to eat healthy!!!
Hi! I blogged your giveaway on my blog!! I list giveaways for moms and have some of my own!!
We DIGGed you and put you in oru technorti and landed you on our webpage for contests to go to on www.momdot.com !
Put us down for our entries!!
I guess I stumbled you from Tip Junkie.
I too live in Fl. Tampa Bay area, Pinellas park.
I"ll blog about you later,
thanks for the chance to win!!
I stumble upon you through tip junkie. Congrats on the weight loss. I will blog about this contest in a while. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
You've got a neat site here. I'll be coming back. =)
Thanks for the giveaway.
Design your own Custom Handbag; www.maddymoo.com/kathieb.htm
I stumbled ya, faved ya on technorati and blogged about ya too. And noooooooow I'm commenting but will again as well on the weight loss. Good luck to everyone entering.
My post is at http://absolutelymoms.blogspot.com/2008/07/contest-woohoo.html
Hey, check out our affiliate program at www.finderskeepersjewelry.net
I found you on Chic Galleria! I'll be back soon.
Have a great weekend.
I stumbled you and you are already one of my favs girlfriend. :)
Consider me entered! I stumbled you, too!
stumbled and entered all up! ;) thanks!
Hi, glad I came across your bloggy!I'm doing all of the extra credit:
Stumble, Digg, Technorati, RSS Subscribed and I blogged this contest here: http://doreens-scrap-wonderland.blogspot.com/2008/07/target-giftcard.html and I'm leaving a comment! I would def love to win that Target giftcard that would be wonderful!
Should I have a comment for each thing I did or was the one posted comment ok? Thanks!! purposedrivenlife4you AT gmail DOT com
Hi! I just found your website and am looking forward to reading more! Congrats on the weight loss!! I'm not sure what "Digg" and "Stumbled" and "Technorati" are, but I investigate and find out. Thank you for the opportunity to win such great prizes! Have a wonderful evening!!
what a great contest!! love, love, love target!! we have:
Add to Faves on Technorati
RSS Subscribe
moore.g at insideconnect.net
Nice Contest.
Blogged at:
RSS reply? Digg this? Your using lingo I dont quite understand. However, I didnt come by for a contest, I was just stopping by to see what you wrote.
Now I know.
Very creative idea. I'll be sure to stumble this as well.
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! Have a great day!
What a great idea, is this for comments on posts fromm this point forward only? I am adding you to my Google reader also.
Have fun in Indiana.
BTW, Aunt Julie needs help planning the rehearsal dinner for her son's wedding, and needs your help. Plus, she's giving away a complete set of Pop'rs in the bargain-the best way to encourage your family to Eat Their Veggies! Please drop in sometime and check it out!
Great stuff. Of course it would make a great price. Good luck to all :)
I have blog about the contest http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2008/07/contest-annoucement-at-sunegirl-loves.html
i hope to be the Grand Prize Winner as I am eyeing on the charm bracelet :)
I technorati'ed it
Stumbled it
RSS subscribed
blogged about the contest at http://by-la.com
and commented on two posts--sezno to sezwho, I won a Personal Assistant(this comment makes three)
Thanks so much for stopping by and helping Aunt Julie plan for the rehearsal dinner! Please drop in again sometime soon--she needs all the help she can get!
i dont know what to do , everthing depends on your mood i think........
Hi ~ Interesting concepts for a contest! I'm just starting out and am running my first contest now! Fav to Technorati for you!
thanks for the opportunity. Please enter me. I will subscribe to your feed
That sounds very interesting.
I just take my chance by commenting.
Enter me, thanks. I'm subscribing too and adding to technorati. I guess thats 3.
Thanks for the contest! I subscribed too so I have 3 points so far!
Your grand prize is fabulous... I want to win! I want to win!... this counts as my comment, huh? :-) I'll be back in a minute to tell you what else I did.
I wrote a post about your contest: http://petulaw.blogspot.com/2008/07/you-could-be-grand-prize-winner.html.
I subscribed to your feed.
Found your site through buylivebetter.
Stumbled, Technorati Faved, RSS subscribed (with Sage Too--neat Firefox feed reader), and Dugg.
you have payperpost and still got good google pagerank, how do you do it? i lost page rank in a wiff coz of that
What a great contest with a very generous list of prizes!! Thanks for putting it out that for all of us. I don't know what Stumble & some of the other things are - ha! I'm fairly new to Blogging and networking! I have put a post on my Blog aboaut the contest, though! Thank you! Is that 3 points? :) Happy Friday to all!
wow girl, you are going to have a lot of counting to do when this is over! Very generous of you to offer these great prizes :-)
wow I didn't read that right at first- it's all of those really? I could use a target gift card give me those extra points. Leaving to go work on them now.
Btw- I see that under the comments you don't allow for name and url. That keeps a lot of bloggers form commenting- My main site is located here One of a Kind Wisconsin. I say this because a blogger friend of mine just wrote a post about it keeping him from commenting and he got a lot of feedback from other bloggers as well- who said the same thing. You can change the settings to let other blogger comment using the name and url form.
I can definitely use the Entrecard points. One the advice of the police I had to shutdown my blog due to threats from an unstable family member. Then I had to wait to be able to get back to blogging, and that was killer as it is a hubby I love. I lost my blog status (I was #1 in google rankings) and for the time being no one in my immediate blog circle can promote my blog. So I am beat-up and on my own. Winning would be like a blug from the blogger community
Thanks for entering me.
e-mail; tndinstoney@gmail.com
I've been stalking you through Entrecard, thanks for the fun contest! I'm having one myself this week, check it out!
I stumbled you!
Thanks for the contest. I am new to your site today so I will have to go surfing through some posts now :-)
Well, I love contests, so here's a comment, and then I will stumble you as well.
I stumbled across you because of a shout out from The Secrets in the SAUCE and now I am going to have to catch up esp about loosing weight.
So what's been the best way to earn money online that you've found? I'm curious. :o)
I'm here through the SITS shout out about your contest.
I found you on The Secret is in the Sauce and wanted to say- enjoying your blog- Nice giveaway, since I am a sweeping & contest junkie, natch I am entering that- also subbed to RSS and added you to my blog list.
Congrats on the weight loss. :)
Okay I need to pretend I have a real life so gotta get off of here for a while- if you like feel free to enter my back to school giveaway.
I subscribed to you and congrats my SITSa.
Hi! Stumbled you!
Just found your blog!!!
Just found you on SITS and had to stop by and say hello...I'm off to peek around :)
I was on SITS and thought I would check you out! Very cute blog!
I would love to enter the contest! What a great giveaway you've got going!
Just subscribed to you, and off to add your button to my blog!
SU & Technorati & comment.
Here I am!!!! I love a great contest!!! Stumble, Digg, Technorati, RSS Subscribed
I am not sure how to do ANYTHING but comment and MAYBE RSS feed. Even THAT I am new at. HAHA! Great job at the weight loss. AFter I had my son I struggled with my weight and then got really sick. They put me on some medicine and all of a sudden I couldn't eat anything at all. I dropped from 187lbs to just under 130lbs in under 5 months. It was like having gastric bypass but in pill form. Kinda scary if you ask me. I am now a healthy 137lbs and loving it although I struggle with the loose skin like a person who has had gastric does. :(
Good Luck!! And great contest BTW!
Oh, and I found your Blog From SITS!
Left a comment & subscribed to RSS! I'll try to do a post later this week.
I'm doing a Christmas in July giveawy. Deadline to sign up is Thursday. Stop by & check it out, there are links to other participants!
I just bought my first home, too!
Fun contest with great prizes!!
How fun! I really love your blog!
Count me in, what a fun contest. I need more entrecard points!
I stumbled this post :)
I fav'd you at Technorati
I blogged at my contest site http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2008/07/50-target-card-other-prizes.html
I subscribed to your RSS feed via bloglines.
very cool! here's my comment entry! :) going to learn about the other points options :)
What a wonderful idea for a contest. I do like your blog especially when you are a work at home mom as I am also I wish you much success!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Commented, Stumbled & Digged! Please enter me ~ this sounds terrific!
i wanna join ur contest!
Great contest!
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